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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pokemon Gold/Silver System : GameBoy Color Date Added : 2005-01-23 11:29:40 Views : 24353 Silver: The second metal coat In the kanto region,( after fighting all the 8 gym leaders in Jotho) in the power plant, go inside, talk to a man that asks you to trade his magneton for your dugtrio. The fastest way to get dugtrio is to catch a diglett in the digett's cave. Then train that digett till level 26 ( best way: fight elite four, as your diglett is from level 2-8) Then go back to the power plant, and trade with that man.If you look in the stats of that magneton, the item, it is holding a metal coat( maybe it depends, I am not sure, but I got it) Silver: Swarms You can get these peoples phone no' to find rare pokemon: Fisherman Ralph - rte 32 - Qwilfsh Hiker Anthony - rte 33 - Dunsparce Bugcatcher Arnie - rte 35 - Yanma Schoolboy Chad - rte 38 - Snubbull Fisherman Wilton - rte 44 - Remoraid Hiker Parry - rte 45 - Marill Silver: Element stones In Cerulean Cape, bills dad will ask you to show him a pokemon. He will give you an element stone. You show him in this order: 1 lickitung - everstone 2 oddish - leaf stone 3 staryu - water stone 4 vulpix - fire stone 5 pichu - thunderstone Silver: Get Aerodactyl You only have 1 chance to get Aerodactyl: you need to get a Chansey, which is found on Routes 14, 15 and 16, and trade with a girl in the big patch of grass on Route 14. You will recieve Aerodactyl. A few hints To get eggs from the daycare centre without hving to hunt down same type opposite genders. Just find a Ditto and leave it in the daycare centre with any pokemon male or female and they will have an egg after a quick round at indigo platau. (this definitly works with female pokemon and I am sure it works with males) (I think it works with lugia and Ho-oh too) to find the 3 dogs easily all you need do is search everywhere until you encounter one if it gets away its position will appear in your pokedex under area. when you manage to get there use attract and it will be easier to find. (it frequently moves so keep checking your pokedex) The Easiest way to catch Entei, Suicune & Raikou Catch a Gastly in 'Bellsprout Tower' train it untill it evolves into Haunter. Then train Haunter until He/She learns these attacks; Mean Look, Hypnosis, Lick & Night Shade. Now when you encounter Entei, Suicune and/or Raikou, no matter what level your haunter is always use Hypnosis, then Mean look. Then weaken it until it is almost knocked out. Put it to sleep again (unless it's already asleep) go mad throwing Ultraballs, Greatballs and any balls you have in your pack until you catch it. When the ball appears after you have thrown it Hold B+Up. keep doing this until you cat it/them. Silver: Getting past the switches When team rocket has taken over radio tower and you have to get past the switches, switch them all off. Then switch number 3 on then 2 on then 1 on and it should leave a path for you to get through. Rainbow/Silver Wing After defeating Team Rocket's attack on the radio station (deppending on wether your game is gold or silver) the manager will give you a rainbow/silver wing but where is the other one you ask? Well in the province of Kanto, Pewter City an old man standing next to the Mart will be there talk to him he will ramble on for a few seconds and eventually give you the other rainbow/silver wing. Celebi My Celebi is now at level 74. This is truly how you get it. What you do is defeat the Elite Four. Then trade an Ivysaur (MUST be an Ivysaur) that knows Cut from your Red/Blue game. Go to the shrine in Ilex Forest. Use Cut on the shrine. Then put Lugia at the front of your party ( it doesn't matter what level it is). Use Lugia's Fly to Fly to Mahogany Town. When you have done that, go to the Karate King in Mt. Mortar. Beat him and get Tyrogue. Evolve it into a Hitmontop. Breed Hitmontop with a Ditto and the result will be Tyrogue. Take this one to the shrine (with Lugia at the front remember) and use Cut again. Celebi comes floating out. It is at level 10 when you catch it and it isn't particularly difficult to catch. Normal-Type pokemon with Ghost Type moves First, get an Eevee from Bill's house in Goldenrod city. Next, capture a Ditto in the grass South of Goldenrod city. After that, evolve the Eevee into an Espion (i.e, by making it happy in the morning or day and then making it grow a level) and teach it TM Shadow Ball (get it by defeating Gym Leader Morty). Now train the Ditto up to around about the same level as the Espion and put them both into Pokemon Day-Care. Wait for the old man to give you an egg (check the day-care centre as much as you can) and wait for it to hatch. The egg will hatch into an Eevee that should know Shadow Ball (A Ghost-Type attack). Now you can use a ghost attack against most enimes and most enimes won't be able to use ghost attacks against you! Easy rare dogs The easy way to get Raikou, Entei, and Suicune is to capture or raise a pokemon to learn the move "meanlook" hunt down which ever rare dog you want, have the pokemon that knows "meanlook" in the front of the party. When you find the rare dog of your choice you need to use "meanlook" so then it can't flee. Bring lots of ultra balls or simply a master ball. Surfing Pikachu There is a way to get the surfing Pikachu, find a smergle and use surf then it should use scktch and it will turn into surf, catch it. Then catch a pikachu,bring them both to the day care center come back to get a egg, it hatches into a Pichu that knows surf!! Note:Smeargle shoud be male and Pikachu shoud be female. Wild Suicune At night go to route 31. In the building seperating Violet city and Route 31, go right. Once your out of the building, go to the grass patch just below the building. If you keep walking around, you should find a Suicune! Catch any Pokemon (Xploderlite cheat cartridge is required). 0100EDDO Explanation: Say you wanted bulbasaur, you would turn on the game boy colour and the cheat cartridge, wait till the screen loads, then press 'select' and use the buttons to type in 0100EDD0, but instead of 00 in the middle put what is shown by the word bulbasaur (01) so put 0101EDD0, then press 'start', while the cheat cartridge is still on, the only pokemon you will battle will be -in this instance- bulbasaur, to stop this, turn off the cheat cartridge. -- Pokemon 01: Bulbasaur 02: Ivysaur 03: Venusaur 04: Charmander 05: Charmeleon 06: Charizard 07: Squirtle 08: Wartortle 09: Blastoise 0A: Caterpie 0B: Metapod 0C: Butterfree 0D: Weedle 0E: Kakuna 0F: Beedrill 10: Pidgey 11: Pidgeotto 12: Pidgeot 13: Rattata 14: Raticate 15: Spearow 16: Fearow 17: Ekans 18: Arbok 19: Pikachu 1A: Raichu 1B: Sandshrew 1C: Sandslash 1D: Nidoran Female 1E: Nidorina 1F: Nidoqueen 20: Nidoran Male 21: Nidorino 22: Nidoking 23: Clefairy 24: Clefable 25: Vulpix 26: Ninetails 27: Jigglypuff 28: Wigglytuff 29: Zubat 2A: Golbat 2B: Oddish 2C: Gloom 2D: Vileplume 2E: Paras 2F: Parasect 30: Venonat 31: Venomoth 32: Diglett 33: Dugtrio 34: Meowth 35: Persian 36: Psyduck 37: Golduck 38: Mankey 39: Primeape 3a: Growlithe 3b: Arcanine 3c: Poliwag 3d: Poliwhirl 3e: Poliwrath 3f: Abra 40: Kadabra 41: Alakazam 42: Machop 43: Machoke 44: Machamp 45: Bellsprout 46: Weepinbell 47: Victreebell 48: Tentacool 49: Tentacruel 4A: Geodude 4B: Graveler 4C: Golem 4D: Ponyta 4E: Rapidash 4F: Slowpoke 50: Slowbro 51: Magnemite 52: Magneton 53: Farfetch'd 54: Doduo 55: Dodrio 56: Seel 57: Dewgong 58: Grimer 59: Muk 5A: Shellder 5B: Cloyster 5C: Gastly 5D: Haunter 5E: Gengar 5F: Onix 60: Drowzee 61: Hypno 62: Krabby 63: Kingler 64: Voltorb 65: Electrode 66: Exeggcute 67: Exeggcutor 68: Cubone 69: Marowak 6A: Hitmonlee 6B: Hitmonchan 6C: Lickitung 6D: Koffing 6E: Weezing 6F: Rhyhorn 70: Rhydon 71: Chansey 72: Tangela 73: Kangaskhan 74: Horsea 75: Seadra 76: Goldeen 77: Seaking 78: Staryu 79: Starmie 7A: Mr. Mime 7B: Scyther 7C: Jynx 7D: Electabuzz 7E: Magmar 7F: Pinsir 80: Tauros 81: Magikarp 82: Gyarados 83: Lapras 84: Ditto 85: Eevee 86: Vaporeon 87: Jolteon 88: Flareon 89: Porygon 8A: Omanyte 8B: Omastar 8C: Kabuto 8D: Kabutops 8E: Aerodactyl 8F: Snorlax 90: Articunno 91: Zapdos 92: Moltres 93: Dratini 94: Dragonair 95: Dragonite 96: Mewtwo 98-Chikorita 99-Bayleef 9A-Meganium 9B-Cyndaquil 9C-Quilava 9D-Typhlosion 9E-Totodile 9F-Croconaw A0-Feraligatr A1-Sentret A2-Furret A3-Hoothoot A4-Noctowl A5-Ledyba A6-Ledian A7-Spinarak A8-Ariados A9-Crobat AA-Chinchou AB-Lanturn AC-Pichu AD-Cleffa AE-Igglybuff AF-Togepi B0-Togetic B1-Natu B2-Xatu B3-Mareep B4-Flaaffy B5-Ampharos B6-Bellossom B7-Marill B8-Azumarill B9-Sudowoodo BA-Politoed BB-Hoppip BC-Skiploom BD-Jumpluff BE-Aipom BF-Sunkern C0-Sunflora C1-Yanma C2-Wooper C3-Quagsire C4-Espeon C5-Umbreon C6-Murkrow C7-Slowking C8-Misdreavus C9-Unown CA-Wobbuffet CB-Girafarig CC-Pineco CD-Forretress CE-Dunsparce CF-Gligar D0-Steelix D1-Snubbull D2-Granbull D3-Qwilfish D4-Scizor D5-Shuckle D6-Heracross D7-Sneasel D8-Teddiursa D9-Ursaring DA-Slugma DB-Magcargo DC-Swinub DD-Piloswine DE-Corsola DF-Remoraid E0-Octillery E1-Delibird E2-Mantine E3-Skarmory E4-Houndour E5-Houndoom E6-Kingdra E7-Phanpy E8-Donphan E9-Porygon2 EA-Stantler EB-Smeargle EC-Tyrogue ED-Hitmontop EE-Smoochum EF-Elekid F0-Magby F1-Miltank F2-Blissey F3-Raikou F4-Entei F5-Suicune F6-Larvitar F7-Pupitar F8-Tyranitar F9-Lugia FA-Ho-oh FB-Celebi Faster Olivine Boat Ride In Olivine City, it normally takes quite awhile when your ride the boat. To speed things up, when you get in the boat, go to your cabin. Then, go over to the bed and heal your Pokemon. When you are done, the boat will be in Vermilion City. Aerodactal There is only one Aerodactyl in the game, but it is not that difficult to get. Catch a Chansey and trade with the girl on Route 14 to get it. Chansey The best time to catch Chanseys at night on Routes 13, 14, and 15. Radio Tower Quiz At the Radio Tower in Goldenrod City, one of the the people at the front desk will ask you if you want to take a quiz to win a Radio Card. The Radio Card allows you to use your PokeGear as a radio. Say yes. Here is the quiz you have to take, and the correct answers: 1. Can the Town Map be displayed on PokeGear? Yes. 2. Can Nidorina be female only? Yes. 3. Does Kurt, the Pokeball Craftsman, use Aprikorn? Yes. 4. Magikarp won't learn any TM move? Yes. 5. Prof. Oak's Pokemon Talk ia a very popular program. Is Marie the co-host of the show? Yes. Tyranitar Ever heard of Tyranitar? Well hear is how to get it. 1) Go to Mt.Silver 2) Go inside and catch a larvitar. 3) Evolve Larvitar into Pupitar. 4) Evolve Pupitar into Tyranitar. 5) Have fun with your new Pokemon! Lapras To get Lapras, i think it was the cave in Azelia Town, you go in and surf through all the ladders, when you get to the end of the cave, There will be a Lapras swimming around.There is only one so save your game(Note: If it is not this cave, try going to the one south of Violet City. Elekid To get Elekid, Breed a male Electabuz and a female one. Dunspacre To get Dunsparce, just go to dark cave at night and Dunspacre to appear. Free Game Coins To get free game coins, go to Celadon city, and go into the casino, walk around the asiles, pressing A+B at a same time and you will find about 240 game coins. Rare Candies When you give a pokemon a rare candy a lot of times it will go up in level but it stats wont be as good as if you would have trained it up that high. You should only use a rare candy on a pokemon a few times. Something nice Something nice is that if you have a gameboy printer then you can find a person on the way to the bug catching contest and then talk to him and he will allow you to print off your favorite pokemon. Secret Gift In Goldenrod city, on the left side you see water, go north of the town and surf to the left, go all the way down and you will see 3 girls. After you defeat the third one, she will give you a mystery gift. 99 Master balls To get 99 master balls,the first time you go onto the ss aqua in olivine city,check all the trash cans,and in one of them you will find 99 master balls. Celibi Many say that it is imposible to get celibi but i figured out this good cheat. First you must get a male Abra and a Ditto. Get them both at levle 30+ and let them both hold an everstone. Then take them to the breading ground. They will have an egg and it should be a Celibi if the code is done right. If you take them to the daycare center to get them to 30+ the code will not work, they should have had and egg by them, but if they haevent then try this code but it may not work. Silver Hoot Hoot To get a silver hoot hoot you it must be at 8:57 pm or this cheat will not work. At that time fly to cinnabar Island and go fight the gym leader but when you hit a he will dissapear and you will be taken to a room with him traning a silver hoot hoot, then he will tell you to catch it. Hint It takes 5 pokeballs to capture a legendary bird. Hint This is just a very useful hint. No matter what any one says, there is not way to get celibi or mew without a gameshark or gameboy promotion. Strong Pichu Here is how to get Pichu, all u have to do is get a Ditto and a Picachu. when u get Pichu raise it to level 50 with out leting it evolve into a Picachu. The Pichu should be sronger then the Picachu. Always biking ( Xploder only ) To always bike enter the code: 0D220EF3. Note: You can even bike in houses,shops, etc. No random battles!(Xploder only) Enter the code: 0D21791B. Note: If it is a monster you have to fight it wont work! A lot of Money(Xploder only) Enter this code: 0DBA7396 Really good EXP (Xploder only) Enter the code: 0D845364 0D211C5E Loads of master balls Note: you need at least one ball slot. Enter the codes: 0D22F196 0D842496 Note: If you swap the master balls in another slot in the ball pack the it will make the previous balls that were there into master balls. Xploder Code: Fight rare pokemon At the Exploder screen type in this: 0D??E764 But replace the ?? with the numbers below: I'll leave you to evolve the pokemon! 22=bulbasaur 25=charmander 28=squirtle 44=clafairy 45=clafaible 48=jigglypuff 49=wigglytuff 8B=hitmonlee 8C=hitmonchan 9B=Mr mime 9C=scyther 9D=jynx 9E=Electabuzz 9F=magmar A0=Pinsir A1=Tauros A4=Lapras A5=Ditto AB=Omanyte AD=Kabuto AF=Aerodactle B0=snorlax B1=articuno B2=zapdos B3=Moltres B4=Dratini B7=Mewtwo B8=Mew B9=chikorita BC=cyndaquil BF=Totodile EA=Unknown 0E=Hitmontop 1A=Lugia 1B=HO-HO 1C=Celibi Get Celebi Gameshark Code: 01FBEDD0 *Those 0 are zeros not the letter* Shining Onix Go to Union Cave on the weekends. You might have heard before from some guy the following (He is in Union Cave) he stated "On weekends, I can hear strange *ROARS* from deep inside the cave." On weekends, go to the deepest levels of Union Cave (Lowest Basement/Level) and at some point a Shining Onix will appear. Make sure to take low level Pokemon to battle and weaken it, and some Ultra Balls, or simply use a Master Ball. Catch Shining Pokemon GameShark Code: 010719D1 << Zeros not the Letter. *Any Pokemon that appears in the Wild will be Shiny as long as this Code is ON. GameShark Code: Always On Bike GameShark Code: 010132D6 < *You will always stay at Bike Speed. Inside buldings it will give you the Ice Gliding Effect. To get off, Turn OFF the GS button. GameShark Code: One Hit Enemy Kills (In battle only) GameShark Code: 010000D1 < *All Pokemon you fight will faint after 1 hit, or if you just make any sort of Pokemon Move. Even if you decide to use an Item during your turn. You will gain EXP even as if you really defeated the Pokemon. Level 0 All Pokemon You Fight (In battle only) GameShark Code:0100FCD0 < *All Pokemon, Wild or Trained By Trainer, will be in Level 0. You will not gain EXP if you defeat one of these Level 0 Pokemon. Infinite Money GameShark Code: 019973D5, 019974D5, 019975D5 < *Even if you buy stuff, if the code is ON, you will have Infinite Money (999999). So buy away all you want. Get All 3 Starter Pokemon from Prof Elm GameShark Code: 0100BAD7 << Zeros not the letter. *If the code is ON, and you are just starting a game, once you get to the point of choosing the starter, keep picking all of them. You will now possess all three starters. Also, the first Pokemon you choose, your Rival will still get the Pokemon with the type advantage (i.e. Cyndaquil > Totodile) even if you took all of them. Change time on game and Duplicate pokemon Choose save, and when it says "SAVING, DON' T TURN OFF THE POWER" turn it off. Turn it on again, and you will be asked what the password is, the password is your trainer ID. To duplicate your pokemon, put into your pc, then choose change box. When it says "SAVING, DON' T TURN OFF THE POWER" turn it off, when you turn it on, you will have two off that pokemon. If it was holding an item, the item will also be cloned. Lugia To find Lugia go to the bottom right Whirl Island in Jhoto. Enter the cave. Jump over the wall at the top. Follow the path until you get to water surf until you get to the waterfall. Go down the waterfall. Go to the land on the left and go through the door. Go through another door and you will find Lugia in the water. WARNING there is only one Lugia! I caught Lugia with a masterball. After you have caught Lugia go back out to where the waterfall is and surf down and then to the right and you will find land go up the ladder and follow the path and you should find the exit to the cave. Rainbow Jynx In the Ice path where you get Hm 07 there is a rainbow Jynx. Crimson Magmar Go to the burned tower where you release the three legendary pokemon. Go down the ladder and look around sooner or later you should find a Crimson Magamar. Golden Metapod Go to the right side of Violet city. Look in the grass and you may find a golden metapod. Time Cheat Change the time. You can only change daylight savings time right. At the title menu press Down, select, B and it will ask if you would like to reset your clock. Strongest Pokemon If you find, as you get on later in the Game, that opponents are Hard, keep bettling the same people who wish to, or wild animals of that level. Leveling up your creatures by Rare Candy may be quick, but its not as powerful as doing it by hand. Superior Battle Power... Once you have Got to the Stage where you can transport Pokemon across time, put basic Pokemon that arent from Johto, or have any Johto moves in your Party, and Trade with your Pokemon Blue or Red for your Special Level 100 Pokemon. Special Bellsprout Any time during the game, go to the tall grass closest to Violet City exit south of the Gym. Walk around in the grass and eventually you shall find a Bellsprout with purple lips. Fast scroll through the credits When the credits appears, hold down the B button and the credits will run through in about 15 seconds. Yadoking Catch a slowbro (or evolve a slowpoke) and give it the symbol of King. Then trade slowbro to another game and it should change into a Yadoking. Light bue poliwag Once you have the Super Rod, use it to fish in the water right above Vermillion City. Eventually, you should find a light blue Poliwag. Copy Master Balls To copy a Master ball you use the code of copying pokemon. Attach the Master ball to your pokemon and do the code, when the codes done you'll have two Master balls.You can keep doing this untill you have all the Master balls you want. Get Two Master Balls You can get two Master balls in the game. One Master ball you get from Professor Elm when you get all the badges. The other place you get a Master ball is in the Lucky Number show. You have to win four numbers and then you get the Master ball. Every time you win before you get the Master ball they give you PP ups. A Blue Koffing To get a Blue Koffing, go to where you scare away the three legendary cats (Burned Tower, Ecruteak city) and walk around. Eventually, you will run into a Blue, shiney Koffing. Hints and Tips Day-Care Copying There is an easier (but time-wasting) way to copy Pokemon. For example, for two Typhlosions, breed a Cindaquil with Ditto. When the egg hatches, you will get a Cindaquil. Train both to Level 32 and they will evolve into Typhlosion. Hint on Starting Pokemon Chikorita: A Grass-type Pokemon with girlish looks, Chikorita is the most challenging of the three starting Pokemon. It's not particulary strong against any of the Pokemon you'll encounter in the first part of the game (in fact, it's extremely weak against most of the Gym Pokemon!), so you must spend a lot of time leveling it up and building a team of support Pokemon. Chikorita is recommended for experienced Pokemon Trainers or players who want an extra challenge. Totodile: This Water-type Pokemon is a good, all-around choice for a starting Pokemon. It's greatest strengh lies in its flexibility. Of the three starting Pokemon, it can use the most HMs and has no weaknesses against the Pokemon you encounter in the beginning of the game. This is a great starting Pokemon for any player. Cindaquil: Known for its fiery quills, this Fire-type is the strongest of the three starting Pokemon. In fact, you can make it through most of the game on the strengh of his Pokemon alone. (It's final form, Typhlosion, is extremely powerful!) Choose Cindaquil if you're playing the Silver version and your Typhlosion and Lugia will take out the Elite Four easily! Cindaquil is the best choice for new players and those who want to speed through the game. A Psychic Pokemon that knows Dark moves Train your Eevee to level 30. Make sure you don't make it evolve. At level 30 it learns Bite. Then train it good and make sure it evolves before it grows to level 36. It will evolve into Espeon and learn Psybeam. Ta-da! You have a Psychic Pokemon that knows Dark moves!!! Easy way to take out Lance If you chose Totodile at the start of the game, use it against Lance. Make sure it knows Ice Punch. Use Ice Punch to knock Lance's Pokemon down one by one. Dragonite and Aerodactyl are the ones most affected. Use a Raichu or Ampharaos to take out Gyarados. You thought it was Dragon/flying? Nope It's WATER/Flying. Battle the guard near Daycare Center At night, talk to the guard near the Daycare Center. He might battle you, but he has a Level 17 Growlithe that you might take out easily. His name is Officer Keith. Questions or comments about Pokemon Gold/Silver? E-mail me at pokemon1@neo.rr.com Metal Coat First you need to beat the pokemon league. then Prof. Elm will call you and tell you that he has a suprise for you. Go him to get the S.S. Anne ticket to get on the S.S. Aqua. Get on the ship, walk down a couple of steps. Then this man will bump into you and he will say that he lost his granddaughter. He will ask you if you could help him find her. Then go to the right, then down, and go down or up the step. Walk up and this man will block you from going to the captain's room. He will ask you to find somebody that works with him. The man is in the room right next your room where you can revive you pokemon. Then he wants to batlle you. Defeat him and go back to the man blocked you from going to the captain's room. He will let you by so you can go to the room. When you get to the room, there is the captian and a girl. The girl is the old mans grandchild. Talk to her and she will go back to her grandfather. There room is in the bottom right house all the way to the right. Talk to the old man and he will say thanks for finding his grandchild and he will give you a silver caot. The only two pokemon that can use the coat is Scyther and Onix. Rid yourself of Data At the Start Screen press "Sel" "up" and "B". Ho-Ho and Lugia You can find Ho-Ho on top of Tin Tower and Lugia in the bottom-left Whirl Island. In Silver, Ho-Ho is on level 70 and Lugia is on level 40. In Gold Ho-Ho is on level 40 and Lugia is on level 70. Lugia's types are Psychic and Flying. Ho-Ho's types are Fire and Flying. Ho-Ho is holding Sacred Ash when you get him, when all your guys faint you use the Sacred Ash ( automatically ) and it heals all your pokemon ful health. Duplicate Items/Clone Pokemon Go to a PC, and save. Attach the item you want to duplicate to the Pokemon you want to clone. Deposit it into the PC. Change boxes. When the screen is saying "Saving the game..." Turn off your GB. Turn it back on. You should have the deposited Pokemon in the PC, and a clone of it in your lineup. The item will either be on both monsters, or in your Backpack. Note: while doing this code, DO NOT withdraw any Pokemon. When the GB is turned back on, you'll find that the withdrawn Pokemon has been deleted. Note: You can duplicate up to 5 items/Pokemon at a time. Trade Evolutions There are a couple of Pokemon that only evolve when traded with another trainer. Some trade evolutions also require that the Pokemon holds a certain item when traded. Here's the list: Kadabra - Alakazam Graveler - Golem Haunter - Gengar Machoke - Machamp Poliwhirl - Politoed (hold King's Rock) Onix - Steelix (hold Metal Coat) Scyther - Scizor (hold Metal Coat) Porygon - Porygon2 (hold Up-Grade) Slowpoke - Slowking (hold King's Rock) Seadra - Kingdra (hold Dragon Scale) Special Trainers There are six extremely helpful Pokemon trainers in Gold/Silver whose telephone numbers you should definitely keep in your Pokegear. These six will randomly give you tips on how to find rare Pokemon and steer you towards areas where certain Pokemon are currently "swarming." Fisherman Ralph (Route 32): Helps you find Qwilfish Hiker Anthony (Route 33): Helps you find Dunsparce Bug Catcher Arnie (Route 35): Helps you find Yanma Schoolboy Chad (Route 38): Helps you find Snubbull Fisherman Wilton (Route 44): Helps you find Remoraid Hiker Parry (Route 45): Helps you find Marill Set Your Clock For Daylight-Savings Return to your house and talk to your mother. She will ask you if you want to set your clock to Daylight-Savings time. Trade-Only Pokemon Gold Version: The following Pokemon are not available in Pokemon Gold and have to be traded from Silver, Red, Blue or Yellow: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur and Venusaur Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard Kabuto and Kabutops Omanyte and Omastar Vulpix and Ninetales Meowth and Persian Phanpy and Donphan Ledyba and Ledian Skarmory Delibird Articuno Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo Mew Silver Version: The following Pokemon are not available in Pokemon Silver and have to be traded from Gold, Red, Blue or Yellow: Bulbasaur, Ivysaur and Venusaur Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard Kabuto and Kabutops Omanyte and Omastar Mankey and Primeape Growlithe and Arcanine Teddiursa and Ursaring Spinarak and Ariados Gligar Mantine Articuno Zapdos Moltres Mewtwo Mew Breeding Evolutions At the Daycare Center south of Goldenrod City on Route 33, you can give a male Pokemon and a female Pokemon to the keepers to breed new Pokemon. Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu. Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Elekid. Breed two Clefairies and you get Cleffa. Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Igglybuff. Breed two Magmars and you get Magby. Breed a Venonat with a Pinsir to get Pinsir. Breed a Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee with a Ditto to get Tyrogue. Breed a Clefairy with a Snubbull to get another Snubbul. Breed a Gyarados with the Red Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp. Replace any of the Pokemon with the genderless Ditto if you've only got one of a kind. Ditto will act as a wildcard Pokemon. Alternate Pokemon Colors Did you know that there are Pokemon hidden in Gold/Silver that have alternate colors, aka shiny status? There is no easy way to find them (except for the Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage) as they appear at random -- but they're out there. If you see specially colored Pokemon, be sure to catch them as they are very rare. You can recognize them by the sparkle effect when they appear in battle, or by checking on the Pokemon Status Screen. Next to the Male/Female symbol, these special Pokemon are marked with three dots. There are any number of these rare types, including alternate versions of Nidoking (dark blue), Golbat (purple/green), Tentacruel (green eyes), Rapidash (purple), Scyther (orange/green), Hoothoot (yellow/purple), Sudowoodu (green/red), Ho-oh (yellow/orange), and more. Special Poke Balls You can give Apricorns to the Poke Ball maker in Azalea Town to get new types of Poke Balls. Here is a list of what they're good for. White Apricorn: Fast Ball -- Good for catching Pokemon that try to escape from battle quickly. Red Apricorn: Level Ball -- If your Pokemon's level is significantly higher than the wild Pokemon's, it will be an easy catch. Blue Apricorn: Lure Ball -- Good for catching Water types when fishing. Pink Apricorn: Love Ball -- If the wild Pokemon's gender is opposite that of your Pokemon's you'll have an easier catch. Black Apricorn: Heavy Ball -- Big enough to catch heavy Pokemon like Snorlax. Green Apricorn: Friend Ball -- Pokemon caught with Friend Balls will become very attached to their trainer. Good for Chansey (if you want it to evolve into Blissey). Yellow Apricorn:Moon Ball -- Good for catching Pokemon that evolve with Moon Stones, like Clefairy and Jigglypuff. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Pokemon Gold/Silver cheat codes.
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